His Excellency Dr. Nicholas J. O. Liverpool, D.A.H.
It is a wonderful thing to find ourselves approaching yet another Christmas season. The wonder comes partly from the fact that we are alive and are in a position to celebrate; but it also comes from the reason for our festivities and celebrations – the joyful expectation which Christmas brings. The blessedness and joy of a deity born into the human condition, with all its limitations and challenges, simply for our salvation is enough cause to celebrate indeed.
Christmas remains one of the best loved and most widely celebrated of Christian traditions in the world. Each year around this time it seems that the entire world is infused with a spirit of celebration, with added energy and abundant enthusiasm.
At this time we should pause to reflect on those who are sick, or institutionalized, aged or simply are unable to care for themselves. Just as importantly no praise is too much to shower on those of our brothers and sisters who take care of them and provide for their well-being.
We should also remember the poor, the orphans, the downtrodden, and those who lack even the basic necessities of life; and implore the blessings of a provident and Almighty God to minister to their needs, while each one of us who is able to do so, makes a meaningful contribution to their lives.
Let us always be mindful of the fact that we live in a world where war, poverty, environmental degradation, disease and violence continue to be among the major challenges which face us. We need, therefore, to reflect on our choices and eschew those that promote ignorance, neglect, and evil rather than good, while noting that our very thoughts are creative energy which can influence everything and everyone around us.
Let us therefore, celebrate Christmas as we continue to bear in mind our individual responsibility to help in creating a world in which warmth, cheer, joy, sharing and peace characterize all our actions.
Mrs. Liverpool joins me in extending good wishes to everyone for a peaceful and joyous Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.