Madam Speaker,
I wish to first of all thank God Almighty for His bountiful blessings and steadfast love being relentlessly bestowed upon us as a people and nation, and to thank you most sincerely for the kind invitation which you extended to me and my dear wife Clara to attend the First Meeting of the Fourth Session of the Ninth Parliament and for me to address this Honourable House. My wife and I are delighted to be here and she joins me in thanking you for your kind and gracious invitation.
Defining Moments in the History of Mankind
Madam Speaker, Honourable Members,
Throughout the long history of human existence on planet earth, several major events have punctuated the history of mankind which has marked one epoch from another. Thus, in Genesis Chapters 6 to 9 we are given an account of Noah's flood where we are told that it rained for forty days and forty nights and the waters enveloped the earth and destroyed all flesh except for the occupants of the Ark. When the waters had subsided Noah went forth with his wife and his sons and his sons’ wives and all that was aboard the Ark and was blessed by God to "Be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth." In other words, Madam Speaker, Noah and his household were mandated by God to Get Up! Go Forth! Replant! and Rebuild!
So apocalyptic was this event that man's existence on earth ever since is referred to in 2 epochs; antediluvian, that is before the flood, and current times, which is referred to as after the flood. This is not the only transformational event in man's history as recorded in the Bible, for the Bible is not so much about Noah as it is about Christ; the promise of a Redeemer, His birth, His life among us, His death and His resurrection. That event too has had an indelible impact on mankind, and our history up to the time of Christ is referred to as Before Christ, B.C; and thereafter, as the Year of Our Lord or in Latin, Anno Domini or A.D. for short. Madam Speaker, A.D. is not as some would have it, i.e. After Death.
Read the entire Address to Parliament, Wednesday 25th July 2018 (PDF, 174 KB).
Posted: 26/07/2018