Mister Speaker, Honourable Members of the House of Assembly, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning.
I am delighted to be here and wish at this juncture to express sincere thanks for the invitation extended to my wife and I to attend the Opening of the First Meeting of the First Session of the Tenth Parliament. I also warmly welcome and embrace the opportunity accorded to me to address this august body on this most significant occasion.
Please accept Mister Speaker my sincerest congratulations to you on your election as Speaker of this Honourable House of Assembly. I have every confidence that you will have sought to familiarize yourself with the Standing Orders and practices of this Honourable House and that in quick time, you will demonstrate a comprehensive grasp and understanding of the rules of this Honourable House and that you will apply these rules with distinction, discretion, objectivity, and impartiality. I pray that the Almighty God will bestow His blessings and guidance upon you as you undertake this challenging duty as Speaker of this Honourable House.
I also wish to congratulate the Honourable Senator Mr. Phillip Rolle on his election as Deputy Speaker at age 24, quite possibly the youngest Deputy Speaker in the region. I am reminded of William Pitt, the Younger, who in 1783 became Prime Minister of Great Britain at age 24. Congratulations.
Read the entire Address to Parliament, Monday 10th February 2020 (PDF, 130 KB) speech.
Posted: 13/02/2020