At its meeting held on Thursday 18th September 2015 following the devastation caused by Tropical Storm Erika, the President's Charities Foundation Incorporated decided to launch The President's Charities Foundation (Erika) Relief Fund with the intention of raising US$100,000.00, (EC$270,000.00), with a start up amount of twenty-seven thousand Eastern Caribbean dollars (EC$27,000.00) contributed by the President’s Charities Foundation Reserve Fund. The objective of the Relief Fund is to provide medium term relief and comfort to the families, more particularly school children, who reside in two of the worst affected communities on the West Coast, namely Colihaut and Coulibistrie; also Grotto Home for the Homeless and Operation Youth Quake.
A President's Charities Foundation "Erika" Relief Fund Account has been opened at the National Bank of Dominica to facilitate this fundraising effort.
Please see hereunder the following Wire Transfer information:
Roseau, St. George
Dominica, West Indies
For United States Currency
222 Broadway
New York, NY 10038
For Pound/Euro Currency
For Canadian Currency
A special Erika Relief Fund Sub Committee composed of four (4) members of the Foundation and three (3) members from the Private sector has been established to coordinate this worthwhile venture. The Members are:
- Mr. Antoine Raffoul
- Mrs. Shermaine Green Brown
- Mrs. Jennifer White
- Mr. Oliver St. John
- Mr. Jeffrey Baptiste
- Mr. Julius J. Corbett
- Mr. Damian Whitchurch-Aird
- Mr. Hilkiah Lavinier